This page contains Notices and Announcements that might be of interest to AAPT-CPS membership. If you have something you would like posted on this page please contact the Webmaster: or any of the AAPT-CPS officiers. For information on AAPT-CPS meetings go the the AAPT-CPS meetings page using the link above.
Link to Notice or Announcement |
Brief Summary |
Hands_Ons Nano Tech Workshop | May 7 – 9, 2013 or November 12 – 14, 2013 Click on the pdf file to the left for details. |
Central Pennsylvania Astronomer’s Meeting | Saturday, APRIL 13, 2013 9AM -4PM. Gettysburg College, Masters Hall, Keynote speaker is Katrien Kolenberg of CfA who will speak on ?Stellar Music?, excursions into astroseismology. |
Pretzel Coaster Build-Off Contest | For the fifth consecutive year, Snyder’s of Hanover is mixing artistic engineering with America’s love of pretzels in an effort to reinvigorate the passion for engineering and science in schools and beyond through its annual Pretzel Coaster Build-Off Contest. |
1-Feb-2013 | Particle Physics Workshop Is there Really a “God” Particle |
1-Feb-2013 | Particle Physics Workshop Is there Really a “God” Particle |
AAPT Workshop June 10-12, 2012 |
Building a Thriving Undergraduate Physics Program Workshop |
PhysTEC | PhysTEC’s first book on Physics Teacher Education |